The Sleep Strike Continues

Tired. So very sleepy. For reasons God only knows, my boys have ganged up on me and decided to alternately wake up every hour. So, if Seth is up at 1am, JP is up at 1:30, then Seth again at 2 and then JP at 2:30 right thru until I have to go to work. This starts somewhere around midnight and it began happening a few weeks ago.

Before this, they were sleeping from 7PM - 7AM with a couple wake ups, but nothing major. So, I'm tired. And I hate being this tired because it makes me a miserable person to be around. I am writing this as a disclaimer/apology to all of you near and dear to me. Okay, it's for Aaron. I give. I was pretty grumpy this morning and sort of stumbled out of the house this morning.

I'm on coffee number 3 and things are starting to come into focus... I was a bitch. Sorry.


  1. The only way I could live through that stage was by having my husband take one baby and I took the other. (That way we both felt miserable.) No, really, that way at least I got a little sleep.


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