Some suggestions

The benefits and surprises of being a mom of twins have been many and mostly pleasant. See my earlier posts for some great examples of shopping and outings. People are naturally drawn to any baby, but twins seem to grab people a bit more. It can be a bit unnerving to be stared at walking thru the mall. And some people are just great to meet and I like that part of it. Other twins or twin parents especially like chatting about their experiences and I love getting the advice and kind words. I have met so many people and usually my belief that all people are inherently good is reinforced ten fold.

That being said... here are some pretty awful things that have been said to me and I assume other twin moms and dads. Any one of these comments has been said a few times and I get more creative with my responses. I figure if you're going to come up with something this rude you at least deserve a little sarcasm back for your efforts.

1. Double Trouble.
I get this constantly. What can I say? Yes, the double part is correct. The trouble part? My boys are awesome. In fact, I'll go on a limb and say that any mom with any child would disagree with the trouble part. At least if they're under 5, after that.... ask me again! Please, please, please.... just skip the comment and keep walking! It's old, tired, and just stupid.

2. Better you than me.
I usually come back with, "I couldn't have said it better myself." Or, "From your lips to God's ears.", "Exactly." "Yes." "Smartest thing I heard all day." These are the same people who see Niagara Falls and wonder what all the fuss is about. The inablitly to see a miracle or blessing is neither my problem nor my concern. These people tend to be the glass is half empty group who probably aren't enjoying their own kids. I feel bad for these idiots.

3. Were they natural or from fertility drugs/treatments/in vitro?
Okay, if you have any sense of privacy or respect for other people's right to it, you would never say this. I'm shocked by the intrusion every time. I still can't believe people would ask this, but they do. A lot. My response is usually... "Arent' they all natural?" But sometimes, if they started out with saying any other comment listed here I might get snippy and reply with a , "Wow, that's really no one's business is it?" Or, "Were your's natural?"

4. Are they identical? Answer: No. Reply : Oh that's too bad/Are you sure?
That's too bad?? I walk away, I just walk away.

5. Twins?? Oh God Bless you.
He already did, but thanks.

6. I could never do it, you're crazy!
I didn't choose to have twins, I was chosen. And of course you wouid, you don't really have a choice do you?

So, there you have my rant. I feel better!


  1. great answers.. i wonder if people really think about what they are saying???

  2. Oh boy! I really liked this one! It drives me NUTS! What makes people think to say the exact same things to twnis mothers everywhere?! The one I get a lot is "Twins? Oh! You must have your hands full!"
    I swear, it's like a built in response to twins. What can I say? uhm, YES They ARE full!

  3. I did a post on this, too. In fact, almost all the twin parents I read have done one. It must just be universal for people to react to twins in that way. I wonder what parents of triplets must hear?


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