8/31/10: The clothes are all laid out. Teeth are brushed, hair is clean. Names on backpacks in black magic marker. Socks tucked into new sneaker and tags and stickers have been removed. Big yellow school bus, with NO seatbelts, a new teacher and new friends. Kindergarten begins.
I am wondering tonight how we got here so fast. How did we get from this....
Seth in blue, JP in green at around 8 weeks old |
Summer 2005 - Autumn holding JP and Danielle holding Seth |
Fall 2005 - JP in his tubbie | | | | |
Fall 2005 - Seth's turn |
August 2005 - Danielle |
Winter late 1990's (1998? 99?) Danielle and Autumn |
... to this...
Summer 2010 - Lauren, Danielle and Autumn |
9/1/10 - Waiting for the school bus. Seth in blue, JP in green |
....so damn fast?
9/1/10: Today I am just reflecting on how in the world I got so lucky. Four kids. Four mostly happy, well-adjusted, healthy, super cool, super brilliant kids. Honestly, it amazes daily. I feel like the word "blessed" is isn't enough.
Watching my two little guys hop onto that bus made me feel a lot like, well, this:
9/1/10 - Clancy watches the boys get onto their bus |
I can't believe the boys are all ready in kindergarden. Just think Autumn will be graduating soon. And you will be filling out fafsa forms. Your doing a great job kid. Keep it up. lisa