
I knit slow and I have a few projects in the works, so the mitten knitting has started.  I just knitted my very first mitten and went with a cabled pattern for myself.  I'll post pics soon, it came out pretty darn awesome.

If you have never knitted a mitten but want to try, I recommend this pattern.  Its color-coded, its simple, and it has awesome step-by-step directions and big photos to help you out.  The yarn they use is a sock yarn that is self-striping and they are knitted up on 4 double-pointed needles, size 2.  If you haven't tried knitting on dpn's, the hardest part is the first row.  After you join the yarn and get past that, it really does get easier.

The pattern asks you to increase by 4 stitches after you finish knitting the cuff.  Basically you just do a m1 four times on the same row. You can see how to do a m1 here.

A few tips for your first try at working with all those needles:

1.  Buy 6 inch length dpn's - if you go too short you run the risk of dropped stitches

2.  I carry projects I make on dpn's in a plastic container.  The little needles break easy and are super sharp.

3.  The link above is for wood dpn's.  I actually prefer metal.  In fact, these are bad boys that I really  like.    If you try square needles, just be aware that most knitters end up knitting tighter and have to go up a size to get gauge.  They have them at Web's and you can sit and try them out if you like. 


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