Beer and Pizza and why I can't have it tonight.

So, ah, how's life?Good? That's great. I'm tired and hungry. Need to stay up and watch Lost, but going to sleep will help me not eat this late. Trying to drop 15 pounds and I'm telling you I hate this.I want to just blindly eat whatever the hell I want.

I want Aaron' s metabolism. That nut has been working like 14 hour shifts and then goes running. He just started this and I cannot for the life of me fathom it. I am happy he is taking care of himself and all that, but I gotta be honest here. If I were a skinny bitch like him, I would totally be eating pizza and drinking a beer right now. Instead, my stomach is rumbling and Crystal Light is the new beer.

I knew it was time to do something when I mentioned it to Aaron and he was like, "Here's some money to buy food. Let's just go all natural and organic and we'll all just eat healthy."

My eye healthy. That was man speak for "Honey, your ass is getting really wide and I'll eat wood chips if you would just drop a few clothes sizes."

Got it. Check. Done. Frickin' dieting.

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