Grand Colleen 2010

You see that really beautiful, talented, extremely terrific tennis playing college student right there? You know, the one in the middle? With the crown? And the sash that says "Miss Congeniality?" That's Rosalyn Chesky. The winner of the 2010 Grand Colleen Contest. And she just so happens to be my cousin!

Her mom is my cousing Lori who is sitting next to her dad there in the bottom right picture. Her dad and my dad are brothers. My dad? Why, he is the handsome fellow up there in the bottom left corner. You know, the one standing next to former Homecoming Queen 1957 (aka: my mom). And Lori has a sister. She is in the top picture up there, black and white shot. She is looking down at her husband John and their completely adorable daughter Maddie. Who by the way took that beautiful picture before crashing out for the night.

Rosalyn. We are so proud of you! Go girl!
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