Ogre Ear. May 2006. JP had just had a mastoidectomy and the fall-out would be rotovirus, an allergic reaction to augmentin and then a fateful hearing test months later. Tubes in, hearing restored, sensory integration nightmare. This adorable little man with his cup on his ear was about to send us on a journey we never would have chosen or expected.

My boys in red, winter of 2005.

Seth sitting in Aunty Esther's backyard in April 2006.

Family Reunion July 2006.  Its about 100 degrees.

Why wouldn't Seth have bubbles on his head?

Can you figure out who is who? Seth is on the left, JP on the right.

April  2005

On Sunday my little guys turn 5. Five.

 Its baffling to me that they have been around that long and then on the other hand, I almost feel like "Only 5?!!"

I have spent over-nights in the hospital with both of my boys.  I have held one down while he got stitched up after splitting his face open.  I have come to understand the saying, "Boys will be boys."  I have a new found respect for bugs, spiders, and bees.  I can navigate my way down the Hot Wheels aisle as good as any Barbie aisle. I am an expert at stain removal. I know which jeans last and which will rip inside a week.  I can hold and rock two babies to sleep at a time. I am a master of cloth diapers.  I can sword fight and shoot a Nerf gun with dead-on accuracy.

Aaron and I are parents of twins and we are still happily together. We have our ups and downs: He makes me crazy and I drive him nuts sometimes. But mostly we are just happy to be in each other's company. Our home is peaceful and content.

The divorce rate for parents of mulitiples has been estimated anywhere from 60% to over 80% if one or more of the siblings has a disability or special need. Add to that the fact that we aren't exactly wealthy and often struggle making ends meet and you know.... I feel a little like, "Yeah! We totally NAILED IT!"

And now, we face kindergarten and school buses and lunch boxes. Field trips, learning to read, and basic math. A new challenge around every corner and something I could have never expected but will welcome with open arms. Bring it on I say! Let's do this thing and lets never, ever look back with anything but relief and happiness that we survived it together. 

Its been a journey and I'm so thankful for every little step we've taken along the way.  Well, I probably could have done without the dog tranquilizer thing.  And the face being split open part.  Oh and that fish tank thing...


  1. You are an amazing mom. Happy birthday to the boys!

  2. Thanks so much... coming from you, well that means a lot. I found your blog through the twins list and started reading right after your amazing little guys were born. I would have those moments of "I don't think I can do this." and then I would remind myself of Alex and Spencer and their struggle and would be reminded that if you could, I could too.

    You are everything I ever wanted to be as a mom Heather. I hope you know that so many read their story and were inspired by it. Your miracles are stronger, happier, and healthier because they had YOU making them that way.



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