Happy Imbolc (one day early)

Before there was a Groundhog Day, there was Imbolc.  The lighting of
candles and fires celebrate the lengthening days and the earliest signs
of spring.  Yes, it is coming!  The days are slowly becoming a bit
longer, but with this comes colder temperatures as the winter season
fights to hold on and spring tries to bluster its way in.

From Wikipedia:

Imbolc is the day the Cailleach — the hag goddess
— gathers her firewood for the rest of the winter. Legend has it that
if she intends to make the winter last a good while longer, she will
make sure the weather on Imbolc is bright and sunny, so she can gather
plenty of firewood. Therefore, people are generally relieved if Imbolc
is a day of foul weather, as it means the Cailleach is asleep and
winter is almost over.[11] On the Isle of Man, where She is known as Caillagh ny Groamagh, the Cailleach is said to have been seen on Imbolc in the form of a gigantic bird, carrying sticks in her beak.


For some (Wiccans in particular), Imbolc is a sabbat and makes up one of the eight holidays of wheel of the year.  It is the mid-point between winter solstice (Yule) and spring equinox (Ostara). 

In Ireland today, Imbolc is celebrated as St. Brigid's Day and is held on the first day of Spring.  They also refer to the day as Candlemas.


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