We took the boys to see Pixar's latest yesterday morning. Being their first venture into a real movie theatre, I took great pains to make sure they got the rules: stay in your seat, whisper only and get extra butter on your corn.

Aaron has a love for all things Pixar that I can't begin to explain. His dream of one day appearing in the "Animators" column in the credits is his life's ambition. This is the first movie he has gone to in months. Knowing this, I had to really lower his expectation of seeing the movie all the way through. I had no idea how the boys were going to be and really believed they would not last.

I was wrong.

Not only did they sit through the whole thing, I had to keep checking JP to see if he had fallen asleep! They were transfixed to the screen and even Seth barely moved.

How was it? Well, if you can over-look the leftist propaganda and the elitist slant of all humans being slobs and lazy asses except for the Hollywood do-gooders.... it was great.

I have a hard time overlooking this. I felt like the movie was built around a sermon. It made me squirm, I admit. I hate being preached to. I hate being spoken down to. That it came from a Pixar film? That's what really pissed me off. I usually love the little lines clearly intended for adults, the smartness of the writing. But the idea that people, universally, would lose their desire to rebel, to love and to connect to each other is more unbelievable than polluting the world to a point it becomes un-inhabitable.

That aside, it was really wonderful. And being able to sit in an air conditioned theatre while my two boys chomped on buttered popcorn for 90 minutes? Priceless. If you consider $8 a ticket and $25 for said popcorn priceless that is.


  1. I don't know what it is about Pixar, but Spencer will sit through an entire 90 minute Pixar movie without a sound.

  2. hey Jenn its a kids movie hahah and look how long the boys sat there they must of been so darn cute, Kate (hows the packing haha it sucks)


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