Oh, there's more. Its called "Personhood."

I want you to remember this word:


Basically "personhood" gives all the rights of people to a fertilized egg.

Now, if you are against abortion, you may like this.  But wait!

This means that most forms of hormonal birth control and IUDs are tools of torture and murder.

But, that's silly!

No, it isn't.

You see, these things work in a few ways.

1.  They make it nearly impossible for an egg to even be made available for fertilization
2. They prevent the egg from implanting itself in your uterus, even it its fertilized.
3.  They create a hostile environment in your uterus so fertilization can't happen

You see that #2?  That is murder in Oklahoma and Virginia.

Also:  if you are twelve and violently raped and beaten to the point of near death and find yourself pregnant?  Yeah, that's too bad.  But here's a baby!  You have to have it. Or go to prison for murder.  Its a special gift from God though, so at least there's that. 

Welcome to the 1930's!!!


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