Prop H8Te. I just don't get it.

Once again, we're two steps forward one step back.  Prop 8 has been ruled unconstitutional.  The stay remains in place.  So, we have an unconstitutional ban denying basic human rights to American citizens.  Look, I'm usually pretty good at seeing things from both sides.  I really am.  But on this, I simply cannot see what the other side stands to lose if gay marriage is allowed.  Somewhere, someone actually clapped and smiled when this stay was announced.  I want to know why.  I want to know what makes that person happy about this?  The proponents of Prop 8 have appealed the decision citing that gay marriages would harm the state's interest in promoting responsible procreation through heterosexual marriage.


You know, I have four kids and only one was actually, sort of planned.  And by planned I mean I wasn't actively trying NOT to get pregnant.  Did I harm a state's interest by popping out three extras?  What about seniors who get married?  Should they be denied a marriage license because they can't procreate?  You know, the whole idea of birth control harms the state's interest in promoting procreation then.  Maybe the Pill and my fancy IUD should be banned?  And after women hit menopause they definitely should be denied the right to marry. 


These people are completely effing insane.  It is scary to me that millions of people voted for this thing.  And what kills me, what really gets me is that it was the Mormon fricking church that rallied behind and bankrolled this thing.  The same people who marry 5, 6, 7 women and pop out dozens of babies.  These people are the ones who get to say what love is and, more importantly, what it isn't.


Sick.  I'm actually sick over this.  What the hell is wrong with this puritanical society??  EVOLVE. 


  1. I agree, Jenn. Even staunchly Catholic Mexico has allowed gay marriage. Yet "progressive" California has this crap going on?
    How can a popular vote decide the Constitution rights of a human being? If that were the case southern black people still would be in the back of the bus! Makes no sense. No sense at all.

  2. So well put. THANK YOU!! It is completely insane.


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