We survived.

Camping with the 5 kids was fun. No, really, it was. Everyone had fun, but not everyone slept. Friday night it took hours to get the boys to sleep and then they just didn't stay asleep.

Seth would wake up, fall asleep and then JP would wake up, fall asleep and within 20 minutes Seth would wake up. This cycle lasted all night. I slept in the middle of them on a full size air mattress.

Around 4am, Seth woke up and then vomited all over me, the blankets, everything. It was awful. And wretchedly stinky. I think I slept all of 90 minutes that night.

Saturday they were exhausted. At naptime I put them in the van and went for a ride. They were asleep within minutes and actually napped for about 2 hours. That was great! Saturday night Seth fell asleep in the van again, but JP would have none of that. He ended up falling asleep on me in front of the campfire. Both slept all night but it rained pretty hard and it was COLD. So, I kept waking up and re-covering them. Due to the puking of Friday night we only had one big blanket and several of their "blankies". they were like little ovens snuggled up to me... very lovely feeling.

I woke up in the morning to Seth going nose to nose with me. I opened my eyes and this little face broke into a huge grin. "Hi Mommy!" I rolled my head and saw JP starting to wake up. I kissed his little lips and he opened his eyes, "Hi momma!"

That was my favorite boys moment.

My daughters and niece fell asleep every night giggling away. Autumn Saturday night was laughing so hard and then all of a sudden: silence. They literally just shut down after a while. They were exhausted. They also helped me a lot with the boys and took JP swimming while Seth and I sat on the pool steps. JP took to the water like a little fish. Seth wasn't sure about the whole thing. I really would like to keep taking him though. JP was kicking his feet and really trying to swim though, it was great!

We got home early yesterday and unpacked. Last night I went out for a couple drinks with Dan and Elizabeth. Then we went back to Dan's place and had a good ole time. E is upstairs sleeping right now. We are supposed to go to Justin's grave today and maybe go to his mother's house. I guess a couple years ago Justin sent a play he had written to E in New Zealand. After Justin's death she took a good look at it and decided to try to turn this thing into a film. In order to do that she called Justin's mom and they have formed a sort of friendship. I am really looking forward to going today. Well, I don't know if "looking forward" is the right term, but you know what I mean.

We talked a lot about Justin last night. He and Elizabeth were best friends for years. He is missed so much. I want to go to his grave and say goodbye. I want to meet his mom and tell her how much he meant to us all. Not that she doesn't already know.


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