Theater, Sisters and Pumpkins

AAAnnnnnd... we're back! Monday morning, crisp, clear and the leaves are so pretty.

Friday I was up in West Hawley for a Leadership retreat with work. It was terrific! Stump Sprouts was amazing and incredibly beautiful. I would love to return. The food was phenomenal.

It was a bit crazy getting from a mountain top in the Berkshires, back to campus, pick up girls and then make it to Springfield to pick up the boys in time. I got to the daycare at 5:29pm. Dropped kids off, went to theater to audition 3 boys for the play. They were all good, but I am happy to say that I cast a very talented young man.

Sunday saw us back at Dufresne's for playground and dog park. Clancy played with Bentley, a 7 month old boxer. The two of them were perfect playmates! They ran and tackled and jumped for almost 2 hours! Clancy was the calmest, nicest dog the rest of the day. We went and got pumpkins with the 4 kids too. This place in town called Red Fire Farm actually had pumpkins for $10. Ridiculous. We bought little ones. A small town charm though... there aren't' cashiers at this place. Just a box to pay for your stuff. The honor system does live on.

More auditions to come... Saturday I am having a few men read for the part of Joe Keller. I am very excited about this. There are a few that hold great promise, so keep your fingers crossed or something.

Oh yeah... Kathy and I condemned our sister Lisa to hellfire and an eternity of burning pits of sulfur. We got her drunk Saturday so she couldn't take her son to CCD. hahahaa! I hung out with my sister's Saturday and we had a great time. My 4 kids and I went up to Lisa's around 4ish and we stayed until about 9. I had a bottle of wine with me (I didn't drink the whole thing!), we ordered pizza and laughed our asses off while taking stupid pictures on PhotoBooth on my laptop.I'd like to say that the kids were doing this, but we were too.

I'll post a couple tonight. Pretty funny stuff.

So, wow.... I had a kick ass weekend. Huh. Who knew?

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  1. oh boy pictures too haha "bad mom bad mom what you going to do" haha lisa

  2. sounds like my kind of weekend. some time with the kids, some time with out. and of course some whine never ever hurts any situation! Glad you didn't get lost on your retreat. I read what you had put in the post before about being the leader. :)


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