My first pair of socks

Originally uploaded by curranjeffers
Okay, well, my first inch of cuffing on my first pair of socks! Its hard to explain the thrill of seeing of these tiny little stitches. Other knitters are out there nodding their heads in agreement, trust me. The little needles, the adorable yarn, the whole thing is just totally different and very fun from other projects. And completely portable.

Its hard to go back to my other main project right now: finishing the prayer shawl/wrap for Mrs. Ribeiro. Its about half done and needs to be finished by the 21st so we have time to fringe and bead. Its coming along and it works very fast. Its just so tedious right now, the pattern is just a shell pattern in crochet. The yarn is what makes this special, its really beautiful Fiesta Ballet yarn in Cloud 9.

I did make another paw print dishcloth this weekend though. I need to teach others how to make these so we'll have enough for Whisker Walk. I am thinking of doing a training this Sunday... just need to finalize this.


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