Drama for your mama

I'm very naive. I learned that today. I go at things with my heart and soul, I do things I love because I love to do them. And I honestly believe that everyone who is along for the ride is like me in that sense. I believe that everyone does things that they love, that they come with pure intent. It never occurs to me that folks would want to hurt another person, or blame them or use them.

I learned a really valuable lesson today. I learned it the hard way, the way most good lessons are taught.

I am directing a play. And until about 3 days ago I was so proud, so confident that things were going fantastic. Actors were doing these really great things, the set is being built and I was really feeling like "I can do this! This is FUN!" And then it happened.

I got this rant from an actor. A really not nice email. Too long and full of drama to post here. It was a selfish email on her part. It was a lot of finger pointing. At the time when I read it, I was deeply hurt by it. Even worse, I believed it. I mean, I bought it. I replied and I convinced her to not quit. Of course today, she pulled the same stunt. Threats to quit because she wasn't getting her way. So, I stepped back and saw that this wasn't my doing. This is a woman who never should have auditioned, who tried to back out months ago and I agreed to work around her schedule. I'm naive... I told you. So anyhow, I draw a line in the sand and say, "I want you if you want to be here. But no more threats." She quit.

Now I will have to re-cast the role, which is fine. It will be a pain, but we'll find our Kate. She's out there. This issue the other actor had "with me" is her problem. Not mine. Unfortunately this will reflect very badly on her for quitting a show one month from opening night. The other actors will have to pay though, its always on them to help with blocking and get the newbie to feel welcome and all such manner.

I honestly think this is for the better. I know that I would have really struggled to work with this woman.

This happened during one of the worst days of my life though. JP - what can I say? He's not a happy boy an whatever is wrong with him, well, it sucks. It just really sucks. I missed the doc phone call. I'm just going to stop here... I am completely wiped out.

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  1. Jenn,
    I'm sure things will get a lot better for you now with the play. Good luck finding your Kate... and soon too! :) As far as JP goes... it breaks my heart that both of you are so unhappy. I pray that you will find some answers and more important some solutions for making things better for him. He is such a beautiful little boy and deserves nothing better than the best of life and everything in it. I hope he is happy soon! I know as a mother it just rips you apart when you children or your child isn't happy, I can only imagine what you must be going through. You are both in my thoughts and prayers, along with the rest of your family too!


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