Reviews & Movies I Love and Hate

The reviews for Lovely Bones are terrible!  hahaha!  Oh well, what can I say?  I loved it. Screw them, what do they know anyway?  Which leads me to...

Movies I love that most reviewers hate:

Crash.  It seems this film was loved or hated.  Personally, I loved it.  And this is Sandra Bullock's best work yet... not The Blind Side

Grease 2.  I know, I know! Its totally cheesy.  I get it.  What can I say?  It takes me back.  Cool Rider? That bowling song with everyone doing mega pirouettes?  That school pageant when she takes the star off her head?  Michelle Pfeiffer was cool.  No one can chew gum and ride a motorcycle in high heeled ankle boots better.

Magnolia.  I don't care how long the movie was or how pretentious it was for some.  Any movie that has Frog Rain and can make Tom Cruise look like a real actor is a win for me.  Oh, and Philip Seymour Hoffman is brilliant.  Let's not forget here that Juliann Moore's acting was one of the finest performances I've ever seen.  And the cop's name was Jim Curran.  If that's not reason enough for me to love a movie, I don't know what is.  Some reviewers loved this film and some hated it

Fight Club.  I could watch this movie every single day of my life and love it more each time.  Reviewers were almost split down the middle on this one.

Billy Madison.  You know, sometimes you just need to laugh.  And this movie made us laugh our asses off every Friday for several months.  It was ritual.

Half-Baked.  See above.

Corky Romano.  I.don't. care.  Its funny to me!!  I even admitted this before.

Okay, I could go on.... but I'll spare you.  I will leave you with this revealing fact:

I cannot, cannot, cannot sit through these classics:

Dr. Strangelove

Cabaret (sorry Dan... Its boring!)

Citizen Kane

Breakfast at Tiffany's

They are just over my head or something. I cannot be the only one out there to think this, but I might be among the few to admit it.


  1. Grease 2 is a CLASSIC! "I want a coooool rider..."

  2. Ok, I like Grease 2, i'll give you that..
    Dr. Strangelove is brilliant!
    Cabaret is an amazing film
    Magnolia is on my top 10 list.


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