My boys

I had an appointment with the school psychologist today. Seth and JP are going through copious tests, screenings, evaluations and observations so that they can be possibly accepted into pre-school with IEPs.

Last Friday they were observed by the psychologist at daycare. I guess they had this great day and very little of the behaviors that we are most concerned about. According to the psychologist she saw quite a few red flags and was surprised (or so it seemed) that that was considered a good day. This means two things to me:

1. Michelle (God bless you woman!) is sort of used to their tempers and a rough day is now a good day.

2. There really is reason to be concerned, regardless of the fact that they are only 3 and are boys and are twins.

I have often ridden this line of disbelief and every now and then something shatters my illusions or my protective coating. And that happened last night. I am not inclined to go into detail online with what happened, but it was with Seth and it involved a potential serious injury from his lack of impulse control. It was so scary to me, it rattled me all night. And this morning.

I'm a little scared today. Okay, I'm a lot scared folks. I don't scare easy... ask anyone. Guts I got. I hate feeling like this. I need answers and I need them now. Patience I don't got.

Back to work... more later. I need to gestate or something. Or I need chocolate and caffeine, haven't decided.


  1. Chocolate and caffeine are always good. I don't know about Seth and JP, but Alex has absolutely no understanding of the concept of danger. He got out of my mother's yard and she found him on the other side of the street a couple months ago. It scares me. Basically, we have to keep one eye on him at all times. If you need to talk, vent, whatever, you know where I am.


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