Bright Nights


  1. Great pic! Look at that teenager: eyeshadow!

  2. LOVE the pic!! Boys are def tougher than girls... my girls won't even look at Santa in the store w/o crying. lol or really they won't look at him at all. :( I cannot believe how "grown-up" your girls are getting, even just since I have started reading your blog! Amazing, and your lil' men there, not sooo little any more. Time is flying!! I bet they are all anxious about Christmas in your house!!! Best Wishes for a Happy & Heathly Holiday!!

  3. Its totally crazy how much the almost 14 year old has matured in the past year! I honestly didn't think she would make it through 12. Now she is this, this, PERSON. This person that slightly resembles who she was at 5, who I was at 13 and who she will grow to be. Amazing stuff. Lucky for me, she is one of the coolest, kindest people I know. If I were 13 I would want her as a bestie...


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