Skipping Naps

Boys never napped yesterday. Went to bed and fell asleep at 8. And they SLEPT UNTIL 8AM!!! I woke up at 7:58 looked at the clock and had a panic attack. I honestly thought for a second that something was terribly wrong when I heard little feet in the hallway. I opened my door and there was Seth, all rumply and pink, "Hel-low Mommy."

Wow. No naps today. I haven't slept that late without Aaron's help in, well, 2 1/2 years.

There is a God and this is proof.


The meds are finally kicking in. Today is the third day in a row I don't have MTS. I am going to the dog park today to test it out. The cold seems to affect me pretty bad.

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  1. congrats on the meds working!! I hope you start to feel 100% soon. I couldn't imagine what you go through with that kind of pain and having to work and be a mom to 4 kids!
    congrats also on the no nap (I guess) since they slept well for you. sometimes the girls try to skip a nap, but it is nightmare all afternoon and they are still up early as hell the next day. ;)


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