hi. i'm clancy.

hey this is clancy. the dog? i just wanted to tell the world that i'm feeling a bit neglected lately. mom is always reading stuff on this thing and writing stuff on paper. i don't know why she won't just connect this to a printer. i think she said something about "kicking it old school". she can be quite juvenile. but who am i talk? hah! i can't talk. who am i to whine? i still pee a little on the floor when she comes home. hey, no one's perfect.

i am going to get out today. cabin fever has set in and i've just destroyed my favorite toy and tried to chew my frisbee. it won't come apart but i think i have a piece stuck in my teeth. god i hate that. hoping for a good marrow bone to get it out.

i've got it all planned out:

as soon as she walks out the front door, you know holding hands with my brothers? well, i'm just gonna bolt. and then i'll act like i didn't notice the gate opening and then i'll just run right through it. and then i'll just scoot up the sidewalk really fast so she'll have to come pick me up. usually when she does that i end up just going for a ride and i love going for rides. the boys usually drop stuff for me to eat. the trick is trying to grab it before it hits the floor. that floor is nasty... gosh she really needs to do something about that. the dog hair alone is bad enough... oh don't blame me!! I don't pull it out and leave it in piles. it just happens and i can't help it. lay off will you?

have a good day. here's to my impending escape.

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